Candace Knapp



      I moved to Florida with my husband, Björn, in 1990. We came from colder climates and were immediately enchanted by Florida’s warm breezes, tropical plants and magical creatures. In 1997 we decided we needed a bigger studio and found a piece of land on Brooker Road in Brandon, Florida. Since we work at home, this two thirds of an acre has become the source of our experience of nature in Florida and inspiration for many sculptures.

     In the beginning we just visited our lot once a week and cut the grass. We got to know the rabbits, birds and black snakes that lived there. Björn designed a house/studio for us and in 1998 we cut down 24 Chinaberry trees so we could begin building. We had the wood kiln dried and I have used it for many sculptures over the years. There was a huge old grapefruit tree on the property. I regularly sit under this tree to meditate and all our friends enjoy the juice from these grapefruits.

     We have had many wonderful encounters with the local creatures. In the Summer I usually swim in the late afternoon. That is the time when the Bluejays, Mockingbirds and Cardinals come to splash in the birdbath. If it has been very dry, the wasps will drink water from the pool while I am swimming. They never seem to notice me. We also have dragon flies and hummingbirds . There are lots of lizards. Just as the sun is setting the bats fly overhead. The plants and creatures in our yard are a constant source of wonder. It has not all been sweetness and light though. Björn is regularly at war with fire ants, termites and fruit rats. We have a large picture window in the living room and in the evening the little green frogs are attracted by the light and insects. It is as interesting to watch them catch flies and moths as it is to watch TV in the evening.

     Just last week two Sandhill Cranes walked up to our front door and pecked at it! To me this is a sign of acceptance. The creatures in Florida have accepted us as part of their family. We belong here now.       

     The creatures and plants around our house all seem to have distinct personalities. The squirrels are like hyperactive children running around in the grapefruit tree outside my bedroom window always playing and bickering. The bluejays are arrogant and pushy at the birdbath and the morning doves are gentle and meek. It is the same with my sculptures. Certain shapes and gestures suggest personality. As I am working one thing turns into another. I have an initial idea but as I make the sculptures they take on a life of their own and a unique personality emerges, When I feel I know them, then I know what to name them.


Brevard Sculptures
